At rove, all courses are delivered through supported distance learning, allowing you to study at home or work, at a time – and a pace – which suits you. This flexible way of studying CQI and IRCA certified courses in Quality Management, puts you in control of your learning.


Quite simply, distance learning is any training which occurs where the tutor and student aren’t in the same physical space. It takes place online, so you learn without attending traditional sessions with a tutor. The main benefit of distance learning is its flexibility.


Whether you’re a seasoned online learner, or undertaking your first course with rove, we’ve compiled our top-10 distance learning study tips to ensure you maximise your learning experience.

1: Create a dedicated study space

Set up a designated study space, which is free of distractions and allows you to focus on your studies.  Make your working environment organised, keep it neat and tidy and comfortable so you can focus on the tasks in hand.

2: Get organised

It’s important to manage your time effectively to ensure you meet your deadlines and keep your learning plan on schedule.

For each course, identify key dates, including dates for regular submissions and your planned end date for each workbook.  Put these in your diary or create a visual plan and place it somewhere prominent in your study space so you’re aware of deadlines and they don’t creep up on you by surprise.

Daily or weekly to-do lists can help keep you on track and can also provide motivation – there’s nothing better than ticking a task off your to-do-list.

3: Create a study plan

Look at the number of questions you need to complete and divide this by your course duration (number of weeks), to give an indication of the number of questions, per week, you should aim to submit. Factor in some contingency time should you need to re-submit. Stick to your plan.

4: Set SMART goals

Create a plan which works for you by setting SMART goals to keep you focused and on track. Make sure they’re:

  1. Specific
  2. Measurable
  3. Achievable
  4. Relevant
  5. Time-bound.

 If you’ve got deadlines at work, factor these into your plan.

5: Make an early submission

Submit a handful of answers within the first week of starting your course. This will set you off on a good start, allow you to receive early feedback from your Tutor and give you confidence and motivation moving forward.

6: Stay motivated

Having a routine and managing your time effectively will help you keep motivated. But, for some taking a goal-oriented approach is useful.  By breaking your overall goals into smaller chunks, you can reward yourself for meeting mini-goals – be it on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

7: Take breaks

The maximum length of time most people can concentrate, in one go, is around 50-90 minutes. As such, plan your breaks accordingly – especially if you’ve dedicated a whole day to focus on your course.

8: Treat online classes as you would in person

Many find one of the best ways to approach distance learning, is to view your studies as you would an in-person course. Hold yourself accountable to the same standards – be organised, be on time and be ready to learn.

9: Keep the big picture in mind

When you’re working 9-5 and studying, it’s easy to lose sight of your learning objectives.

Start by remembering the reason why you’re studying – is it to acquire skills to help you in your role, to make sure you’re up to date with the latest industry standards, or apply for a new position?

10: Maintain contact with your Tutor

Keep in touch with your Tutor. Remember, they are there to support you so get in touch if you need any help. If unforeseen circumstances impact on your study, let your Tutor know as soon as possible, so that revisions to your learning plan can be discussed/agreed.


For over 13 years, rove has been delivering accredited CQI and IRCA courses (and certificates) through supported distance learning. With rove’s distance learning model, students use online systems to access digital study materials. But, they also receive support and feedback from a dedicated tutor – the best of both worlds.

FIND OUT MORE…                                                

If you’d like to find out more about distance learning, we’ve created a series of blogs to give you the low-down on distance learning.

Distance learning explained

What to consider when learning online

Distance learning with rove

Online learning jargon buster