At rove, all courses are delivered through supported distance learning, allowing you to study at home or work, at a time – and a pace – which suits you. This flexible way of studying CQI and IRCA certified courses in Quality Management, puts you in control of your learning.

Online learning involves a self-directed approach to studying, which means it’s essential to plan your time wisely. This blog provides practical tips to help you master your time management.



Although time management varies from person to person, the following four  principles of organisation, prioritisation, focus and self-discipline provide a comprehensive framework. By refining these time management skills, you will be able to effectively balance your studies with your professional, and personal commitments.


Make sure you’re organised –  poor organisation can lead to missed deadlines and wasted time.

  • Plan your calendar: Block out dedicated study time, schedule deadlines, and account for work commitments.
  • Sort your materials: Ensure your files – both digital and paper – are organised.


Not all tasks are created equally. Prioritising effectively allows you to focus on what you actually need to do.

  • Identify critical tasks: Whether it’s completing coursework or revising for your exam, allocate time to tasks that have the most significant impact on your progress.
  • Prioritise: Focus on one task at a time to ensure you give it your full attention.
  • Consider your situation: Many quality management practitioners have to juggle their studies with work and family commitments. Be realistic about what’s urgent and what can wait – adapt your priorities based on these.


Maintaining your focus while studying from home can be challenging, particularly with frequent distractions.

  • Limit distractions: Turn off notifications for emails and social media in order block any interruptions during your study time.
  • Create a productive environment: Make sure your workspace is free from noise, clutter, and distractions.
  • Choose optimal study times: Identify you’re most productive, whether it’s early mornings or after work hours, and schedule your study sessions accordingly.


Self-discipline is key to effective time management. You need to be accountable to yourself and keep on track – even when your motivation dips.

  • Avoid procrastination traps: Don’t fall into the habit of focusing on smaller, less important tasks just because they’re easier – or more enjoyable.
  • Find balance: Self-discipline includes knowing when to take a break.




  1. Apply the Pareto 80/20 rule – 80% of the results often come from 20% of the work. Focus on high-impact tasks to maximise efficiency.
  2. Stay on top of deadlines: Regularly review and update your study calendar so you’re on top of planned submission and completion dates.
  3. Don’t get bogged down: If a section or topic is slowing you down, mark it and move on. Revisit it later with a fresh head.
  4. Keep your assignments front and centre: Write out the next question you are going to answer in your workbook and use it as a reference as you study to keep your notes focused.
  5. Ask for support: If you’re struggling with a topic or deadline, contact your tutor for support and guidance.


If you found this article useful, you may wish to view our Top-10 Tips for Distance Learning blog – read it here.