We’re working hard to bring you a dedicated library of quality management resources, information and news – designed to inform and inspire.
To begin with, why not access our A – Z of QUALITY MANAGEMENT TERMINOLOGY, our library of QUALITY MATTERS newsletter, check out our dedicated library of quality management RESOURCES or get the latest updates and essential guides on our BLOG?
A work in progress, we’ve got grand plans to add more content over the next few months. So, make sure you check back soon and see what’s new.
And, if there’s anything you think would be great to include on here, please let us know.
If you’re looking to find your out your DFMEA from your DMADV, why not access our handy guide of A – Z of Quality Management terminology. You’ll find quality terms, acronyms and key people in the history of quality here.
Each quarter we publish our newsletter – QUALITY MATTERS. Packed with the latest news and views, it’s an essential read for Quality Management practitioners. Don’t worry if you’ve missed any editions, you can download them all here.
Check out our dedicated library of quality management resources including, the latest OPINION, profiles on the GODFATHERS of Quality Management and valuable resources from The CQI. Get informed and inspired here.
Considering joining the CQI? If so, we’ve pulled together this handy guide, explaining the types of CQI membership grades, requirements, costs and guidance. You can read it here.
Have you visited our blog? Bursting with news, views, top-tips – and everything in between, it’s an essential read for Quality Management professionals. Get the latest news, customer case studies and essential CQI updates here.
If you’re looking to raise your profile, build relationships and contribute to conversations within the Quality Management community, did you know you can do it using LinkedIn? Read our top tips on how to do so here.