Darin Wilson

Quality Management Tutor

Darin has worked in Local Government for over 30 years and was responsible the organisation’s Business Compliance and Public Safety team areas of work. He provided leadership, management, and advice, on all areas covered by the team and was the lead on programmes of work around quality management.

Darin developed his knowledge and skills of business management, leadership, training standards and consumer affairs through the completion of Diploma qualifications with the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) and FISS. He is a qualified Lead Auditor (QMS) and has carried out numerous system audits during his career. 

He takes a keen interest in the development of others and was an assessor for the CTSI Professional Framework.  


Things you might not know about Darin:

1: Darin is an avid football fan – Newcastle being the team of choice.  
2: If there is no sport available, then you will find him in the garden.
3: Programmes or books on history are areas of interest.