Strategies to Enhance Critical Thinking

Strategies to Enhance Critical Thinking

Critical thinking lies at the heart of learning, enabling you to reflect on and understand your own perspective. It supports effective decision-making, problem-solving and prompts a deeper understanding of the world around you - all while developing empathy,...

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Mastering Time Management

Mastering Time Management

At rove, all courses are delivered through supported distance learning, allowing you to study at home or work, at a time – and a pace – which suits you. This flexible way of studying CQI and IRCA certified courses in Quality Management, puts you in control of your...

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Get involved in World Quality Week 2024

Get involved in World Quality Week 2024

This year’s World Quality Week is taking place from 11-15 November 2024 and will look at the theme - Quality: from Compliance to Performance. If you are curious to find out more about the global campaign, or how your organisation can get involved, read on… WHAT IS...

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Why Invest in Training and Development?

Why Invest in Training and Development?

In today's complex and competitive business landscape, organisations are constantly seeking ways to improve their performance and gain an advantage over their competitors. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is through focussing on employee training...

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Top-10 Distance Learning Study Tips

Top-10 Distance Learning Study Tips

At rove, all courses are delivered through supported distance learning, allowing you to study at home or work, at a time – and a pace – which suits you. This flexible way of studying CQI and IRCA certified courses in Quality Management, puts you in control of your...

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11 of the best quality management podcasts

11 of the best quality management podcasts

There are so many podcasts available and finding the ones worth listening to can be a challenge. Following the launch of Quality Impact - a series of podcasts from the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI), we’ve updated our original blog post to bring you our top 11...

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Don’t fall foul of any plagiarism pitfalls

Don’t fall foul of any plagiarism pitfalls

At rove, we’re committed to ensuring you get the most out of our CQI and IRCA accredited courses and your learning journey. To ensure you don’t fall foul of any plagiarism pitfalls, we’ve compiled this short video, including definitions and top tips.

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Elevating Quality at SSE

Elevating Quality at SSE

A Quality Advisor from SSE Plc, has recently achieved a notable milestone by obtaining the CQI and IRCA certified Professional Certificate in Quality Management. What’s more, Ross Scobie is hopeful it’ll act as stepping stone towards CQI Chartership and a more senior...

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Be mindful of Malpractice

Be mindful of Malpractice

To protect the integrity and credibility of its courses, the CQI and IRCA prioritise ethical conduct and treat malpractice with the utmost seriousness. Approved Training Partners (ATPs) are required to follow the CQI and IRCA’s Policy. What is malpractice? The CQI and...

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Spotlight on… Genichi Taguchi

Spotlight on… Genichi Taguchi

Dr Genichi Taguchi, born in Japan in 1924, was an engineer and statistician. Taguchi is famous for his pioneering methods of modern quality control and low-cost quality engineering. From the 1950s onwards, Taguchi developed a methodology for applying statistics to...

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How rove is gearing up for World Quality Week

How rove is gearing up for World Quality Week

Each year the CQI celebrates World Quality Week, providing a platform to raise awareness and promote best practices in quality. This year it’s taking place from 6-10 November 2023 and will focus on realising your competitive potential. We’ve been working with the CQI...

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rove marks major milestone with charity donation

rove marks major milestone with charity donation

Quality Management training provider rove, has marked a major milestone in its business by donating to a local hospice. To celebrate the successful completion of its 1000 CQI and IRCA certified course, rove asked the learner who achieved this to nominate a charity to...

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Spotlight on… Armand V. Feigenbaum

Spotlight on… Armand V. Feigenbaum

Today we shine the spotlight on Armand V. Feigenbaum, an American quality control expert who is recognised as the father of 'Total Quality Control (TQC)' and for making the customer the heart and focus of TQM. He coined the term ‘total quality control’, believing...

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Distance learning explained

Distance learning explained

Distance, or online, learning has become increasingly popular following the Covid-19 pandemic. There’s a whole host of flexible learning solutions, and terminology, to describe the options open to you. This can be a minefield for students. So, we’ve created a series...

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What to consider when learning online

What to consider when learning online

Our second post, in our online learning series, provides a handy checklist of things to consider if you’re looking to learn online. What to consider when learning online? Online learning has become more popular in recent years. There’s now a whole host of solutions...

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Distance learning with rove

Distance learning with rove

Next up, in our online learning series, is how we deliver our courses using supported distance learning. Read on to find out how it works, and what’s involved. Distance learning with rove rove has been delivering accredited CQI and IRCA courses (and certificates) for...

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Online learning jargon buster

Online learning jargon buster

The final instalment in our online learning series, is our jargon buster.  If you want to know the difference between distance learning and eLearning, or are keen to find out how asynchronous learning differs from synchronous learning, this blog is definitely for you....

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Spotlight on… Kaoru Ishikawa

Spotlight on… Kaoru Ishikawa

Today we shine the spotlight on the Father of Japanese Quality - Professor Kaoru Ishikawa (1915 – 1989). Instrumental in developing quality initiatives, most notably the quality circle. Karou Ishikawa is probably, best known for inventing the Fishbone diagram (aka...

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Interested in CQI membership?

Interested in CQI membership?

CQI membership is an invaluable way of demonstrating competence and commitment to quality. It also provides you with the opportunity to network with 20,000 like-minded professionals. And, our certified courses provide you with the knowledge and skills to support an...

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Spotlight on… Philip B. Crosby

Spotlight on… Philip B. Crosby

Today we shine the spotlight on Philip B. Crosby (1926-2001), an influential author, consultant and philosopher who contributed to management theory and quality management practices.  By developing practical concepts to define and communicate quality and quality...

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Quality Management Podcasts

Quality Management Podcasts

Podcasts are a great way of contributing to your Continuing Professional Development (CPD). They enable you to keep your skills and knowledge up to date.  They can also be inspirational and enable you to join, and contribute to, your chosen community – personally...

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QUALITY MATTERS – why manage quality?

QUALITY MATTERS – why manage quality?

Programme Lead, Chris Smith PCQI, asks why manage quality and the value effective quality management has for an organisation. The effective management of quality not only creates value for an organisation and its stakeholders but also manages its exposure to risk and...

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Spotlight on… Joseph Juran

Spotlight on… Joseph Juran

Joseph Juran was born in Romania in 1904 and emigrated to USA in 1912, where he lived until reaching the age of 103 (in 2008). Joseph Juran was an engineer and management consultant who is widely regarded as the founding father of many of the key quality management...

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Spotlight on… W Edward Deming

Spotlight on… W Edward Deming

William Edwards Deming (1900 – 1993) is widely acknowledged as the leading management thinker in the field of quality.   An American statistician, educator, and consultant whose advocacy of quality-control methods in industrial production aided Japan’s economic...

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Top tips for surviving lockdown 2.0

Top tips for surviving lockdown 2.0

There’s a feeling of deja-vu as we enter into lockdown 2. However, as the nights draw in and we’re stuck at home unable to socialise with our family and friends, many of us are feeling like it’s going to be an exceptionally long month.  But don’t worry, we’ve...

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Professional and personal development

Professional and personal development

Many of us have Continuous Professional Development (CPD) plans which not only maps out our activities and achievements but helps us manage our own learning and growth throughout our career. But what exactly is a professional and personal development and why is it...

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Spotlight on… Mindfulness

Spotlight on… Mindfulness

Many of us are worried about coronavirus (Covid-19) and how it could affect our life. This may include having to spend a lot of time at home or concerns about being around other people. Now, more so than ever, it’s really important you take care of your mental health....

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Top tips for working from home

Top tips for working from home

Over the last six months, many of us have had to adjust to a new work environment. Although working at home can feel liberating, it also brings its own challenges.   Alongside feelings of isolation and loneliness, many people adapting to homeworking find...

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Get ahead at work!

Get ahead at work!

TOP-TIPS TO GET AHEAD AT WORK Whether you are just starting out in your career or are undertaking an apprenticeship to progress, here’s some things you can do to make sure you stand out (for the right reasons) at work.   INITIATIVE Going above and beyond your...

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Spotlight on…mental health

Spotlight on…mental health

New research suggests over half of employees used physical illness to explain their absence from work, when the cause was due to mental ill health.  The research, commissioned by specialist stress at work lawyers from Slater and Gordon, indicates workers are...

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Spotlight on… Stereotyping in the workplace

Spotlight on… Stereotyping in the workplace

Last month (June 2019) a ban on adverts featuring "harmful gender stereotypes" or those which are likely to cause "serious or widespread offence" came into force. The ban was introduced by the UK's advertising watchdog, Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), because,...

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Spotlight on… Racism and the Law

Spotlight on… Racism and the Law

There’s no escaping the headlines surrounding racism, from; racist chants on and off the football pitch, to the BBC sacking Danny Baker for tweeting a picture of a couple with a chimp following the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s baby.   On the back of...

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Delivering a Great Customer Experience?

Delivering a Great Customer Experience?

What does customer experience mean?   Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) is one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world who define customer experience as “How customers perceive their interactions with your company.”   The key word here is...

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How to successfully navigate interview day

How to successfully navigate interview day

Hoorah, you’ve secured your interview for your dream job and now it’s time to swot up for the interview. From creating a good first impression, to thinking about the types of questions you will asked and remaining cool and collected during the interview, here’s some...

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Spotlight on… Inclusivity

Spotlight on… Inclusivity

Promoting and supporting inclusion and diversity within a workplace is about valuing everyone and appreciating we’re all different. Irrespective of our culture and nationality, our gender, race, sexuality, or educational background, it’s about creating an environment...

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Spotlight on… Plagiarism

Spotlight on… Plagiarism

One area which can cause serious problems for learners is referencing within assignments – either doing it incorrectly, or not at all. We’ve prepared these pointers to ensure you don’t fall into any plagiarism pitfalls and give you the rundown on referencing. Do you...

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Attitudes Matter

Attitudes Matter

Skills and experience are important attributes of an employee, but did you know attitude plays just as an important part of any role? It’s no point demonstrating great professional skills if you don’t have the right attitude to carry out them out. Here’s a run down of...

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Spotlight on… Bullying

Spotlight on… Bullying

Bullying remains a serious problem which has a massive impact on many individuals across the UK. Recent research from Bullying UK, a charity working across the UK to support anyone affected by bullying, reported: 81% of young people experience name calling and 50%...

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Time Stealers – Part Two

Time Stealers – Part Two

Following on from last months blog here are few more things you could try to manage your time. Get Tough Hard as it may be, you may want to be firm (but diplomatic) in dealing with time allocated for meetings, paperwork, telephone, and visitors, etc. if you ever keep...

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Racism and the Law

Racism and the Law

The Ugly Truth Back in the news and all over social media as American actress Roseanne Barr send out a racist tweet. The backlash results in her show being cancelled by the producer’s ABC. Her sitcom had been off air for 2 decades and one act of racism has resulted in...

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Time Stealers – Part One

Time Stealers – Part One

“I Need More Time!” This is a phrase we often hear. What can we do to make more time when the workplace (and life) is so busy and the pressure is on to get through our growing to do lists? There’s no simple strategy that works for everyone and the best you can do is...

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What do you know about Casual Racism?

What do you know about Casual Racism?

What is Casual Racism? Firstly, there is nothing casual about racism. One of many forms of racism is casual racism and it refers to behaviour involving negative stereotypes or prejudices about people based on race, colour or ethnicity. While some focus on these more...

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Staying Safe Online

Staying Safe Online

The Internet is Great – Yes? Social media platforms are great for connecting with family and friends to share your comments, thoughts, ideas, photographs as well as sharing another person’s video’s and posts you find funny or interesting. All good so far! However, it...

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When Overwhelm Can Be Your Friend!

When Overwhelm Can Be Your Friend!

I don’t know about you but the demands we all face in everyday life just seem to be expanding at a rate of knots. It sometimes feels like it would be a good idea to just dig a hole and hide away. Technology has also made it possible for us to be reached 24/7....

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How To Write A Cover Letter For A Job

How To Write A Cover Letter For A Job

The Covering Letter   There are a few different types of cover letters but here we are concentrating on the cover letter you would use when you are applying for a specific job opening. A cover letter is a formal letter that accompanies your CV. It will outline...

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What To Expect On Interview Day

What To Expect On Interview Day

What to Expect on The Day   There is no doubt there will be competition on the day you go for your interview. Competition for apprenticeships can be very high for certain jobs and you may be a school leaver who has very little experience other than job experience...

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How To Be Less Stressed On Interview Day

How To Be Less Stressed On Interview Day

Taking the Stress out of Interview Day!   So, you have put in all the hard work before the big interview day. You have spent time and effort researching the company, writing a first class CV or filled in a perfect application form, studied the job requirements...

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How To Dress For An Interview

How To Dress For An Interview

How To Dress For An Interview   Just as you have prepared for your interview carefully and thoroughly it is just as important to consider what you will wear to the interview. First impressions do count and it only takes a few seconds for an interviewer to decide...

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How To Write A CV

How To Write A CV

What is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)? A CV is a written overview of your skills, education, and work experience. You might also see it called a Résumé. Today most people will type up their CV. You can generally email your CV or print and post it. What is a CV used for? You...

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